NCPUL and Yoga Issue

Some weeks before, the government had given the direction to all the education institutes of India to hold Yoga classes in their day schedule. Yoga was an option before this but now the ministry of Ayush and ministry of human resource development are striving hard to fulfill the dream of prime minister and even the institution of the minorities have not been spared in this battle of enforcement.

NCPUL (national council for promotion of Urdu language) works under ministry of HRD and they also receive circular to ensure the yoga classes in all their centers. They have also gotten the instructions to do arrangements for the international Yoga day on 21st June.

However, within the NCPUL, the opinion has been divided between various members. The ministry has asked the council to conduct Yoga classes in its 500 centers across India. Now! The issue has become the bone of contention between the MHRD and some executive board members of the council. The members are of the view that the yoga classes would cause unnecessary disturbance in centres of the council, mostly of which are establish in Madarssa or minority institutions.

The assistant director of academic NCPUL, Shama K. Yazdani said that yes! We have issued the circular to all 500 centres after the direction of MHRD and also about the celebrating the Yoga day on 21st June 2016. When asked by media that is this compulsory requirement for the council to hold classes, she said there is nothing like compulsory but she refused to comment further.

A NCPUL employee with the promise to remain unnamed said that MHRD order to comply with the earlier directive by the ministry of Ayush to introduce Yoga classes in all centres. The person said that MHRD order also contained advisory note about the health benefits of Yoga. The autonomous body NCPUL under the MHRD established in 1996 to promote Urdu. With the passage of time, the sphere extended and technical and vocational course were also introduced in the system including computer application and business accounting etc.

An employee of the NCPUL said that the order of the MHRD requires the council to work outside the sphere of its mandate. Another NCPUL person said that last years, order was come to hold the Yoga classes but this year order contains clear and detailed instruction so how can we disobey the order. Tariq Anwar, the member of the board said that he is not against Yoga but against its imposition on council’s centres. He said that ministry should try first to develop interest in students and after the student should be given choice either to join the classes or it., Mah HSC Results 2017 Maharashtra, Mah SSC Result 2017 Maharashtra

The opinion has also been polarized as clearly seen by the comments of the council staff. The government should not interfere with the institution of the minorities to induce the party policies; it will create space between masses of opposite religions. Religious institutes must not be forced to obey such orders.


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