In Punjab, many private schools are working from many years without infusing all the mandatory clauses of right to education act. In past, no effort was done on actual ground and only words were used to show the government’s action against poor implementation.
The Punjab Education Department has now given a fresh ultimatum it its notice to all the private schools of the city to submit all required documents which are necessary under RTE act. The time limit is seven days. However, it is not seen possible as in past same kind of notices were given but till today, the education department is failed to achieve its goals.
The District Education Officer, Jugraj Singh said that this time strict notices have been sent to schools of private sector and those that will fail to meet the requirements would have to face punishment.
He also briefed that out of 854 only 450 schools are given temporary affiliation under the RTE Act.
The requirements that have been asked to submit/enforced are; Building safety certificate, safe water and fire safety installment and schools all details including the information of all teachers.
The act says that schools have to reserve 25 % seats in nursery level for weaker or disadvantage sections. It is also mandatory to recruit at least one full time teacher of Inclusive Education Resource (IER).
Well! On the pressure and media discussions, the new circular has been released. The government’s intention is just to save its face.
The parents in media reports said that schools are not working in clear manner and not giving education under the obligations of RTE act. Many parents complained that the Student - Teacher ratio and classroom - student ratio is not according to law. Even the best schools are not obligating with law terms.
According to RTE law, it is mandatory for a school to make separate washrooms for female and male children and also to provide fresh and clean drinking water facility.
854 private schools are providing education in District and are affiliated to various boards including the central board of school education, Indian certificate of secondary schools and Punjab school foundation board. The affiliation under the act is mandatory for all the schools regardless of the board affiliations for examination.
The act, under the affiliation, entitled needy and poor students with the facility of free books, writing material and school uniform.
The absence of facilities, mandatory by act is the failure of state government because they remain unable to implement it in schools. Reasons are many from lack of attention to lazy and corrupt officials of education department. Now again, if a series of check is started, the bribery will be used to silent them and sending reports with fake entries. The need here to make a state’s central education authority or team under the Chief Minister for random check and in case of absence not only the schools but the concerned district officials should have to face the music.
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