GATE Result 2020 Declared
Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) 2020 Results: IIT Kanpur conducted Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) 2020 in February and results to be published on 12th March at 5:00 pm (Today). Nearly 1 million candidates appeared for Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) examination. The day has come for them to verify their gate result 2020.
To check gate results 2020, you need to login in to Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) 2020 website and results will be displayed in your account. Below we have given direct link to download Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) 2020 score card or gate marks. Without password and other login details you can’t see the gate score card 2020 or you need to provide registered email id, application number and date of birth (DOB) to check results of gate 2020.
1. Go to (Official Website of IIT-GATE-2020).
2. Login with your Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) details. (Email and password)
3. If you forget password try alternative method to login.
4. See the Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) 2020 results and download score card.
You cannot check others, friends or relatives Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) results 2020 due to space to oneself reason. Gate 2020 result by registration number (roll no) and by name wise are not available. Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) score card 2020 is available in IITK website for download. Gate 2020 scorecard released today in online.
Score card is the mark sheet of score obtained in the Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) examination. Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) 2020 score is valid for 2 years (valid from 2020 upto 2020). To download Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) score card from gate official website in pdf format.
Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) score card AKA Gate mark sheet 2020 will sent in post to resident address within a month.
Only those who score above cut off marks are considered as pass in Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) and only passed candidate will receive gate 2020 score card.
Qualifying mark (pass mark) or the cut off marks will be different for each department/branch and also differ by group of people. Qualification marks are calculated based on relative marks.
Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) 2020 results is better as compared to last year. This year more students passed the Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) 2020 examination in all India.
Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE)2020 results revaluation /reassessment, recounting, rechecking or re test, photo copy or paper seeing are not available.
Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE) 2020 merit list in All india level will be available today that is march 12, 2020 evening after few minutes of result confirmed. May be first, second and third rank holders list will be announced in live news before results.
Following are the categories in the Graduate Aptitude test for Engineer (GATE)
1.Electrical communication EC/ECE
2.Electrical and electronics EE/EEE
3.Computer science and information technology (CS & IT)
4.Civil Engineering
5.Chemical Engineering
7.Life Science
8.Physics and chemistry
10.Agricultural Engineering
11.Architecture and Planning
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